Paris Attacks; from Anti-Islamism to Islamophobia

16 January 2015 | 13:35 Code : 1943146 Review General category
An essay by Dr. Salman Safavi, Head of the London Academy of Iranian Studies and Director of the International Center for Peace Studies
Paris Attacks; from Anti-Islamism to Islamophobia

Considering the recent events in France and the latest wave of Islamophobia, the West’s approach towards the issue of Islam originates from western imperialism and the Zionist ground. There are two reasons behind this issue: the first reason is that there is nothing in Islamic documents that would indicate that Islam condones and spreads violence. The claims of the supporters of Islamophobia based on the violent nature of Islam are rooted in unscientific and imperialistic interpretations which are aimed at weakening the Muslims and attacking Islamic culture and civilization.

The second reason is that the reality of life in the West shows that the Muslims’ role, in general, and in France, Britain and Germany, has been useful and constructive. Following WWII, the Turks have played significant roles in the reconstruction of Germany. At the same time, the Muslims of North Africa migrated to France during the colonial period and, despite all the troubles, they remained loyal to French society and laws.

On the other hand, anti-Islamic policies and violations of the Muslims’ civil rights have angered the Muslim youth. France is stressing freedom of expression while, during the 19th and 20th centuries, it was the cause of the massacre of millions of Muslims in North Africa. France continued its colonizing role in North Africa even until the end of WWII.

The question that is raised now is, do Muslims enjoy freedom when France claims to be the supporter of freedom? Veiled women are not allowed to enter universities and government offices. Praying in the streets of France is considered a crime. In general, Muslims in France are under numerous pressures. But the opponents of Muslims enjoy freedom in France. Only the voice of Zionism is heard in France. France’s colonial role still continues in North Africa and the world of Islam. This issue has created hatred in the hearts of Muslims. At the present time, France supports radical groups in the Middle East. The radical groups in the Middle East are supported by France and directed towards taking violent measures in order to pursue the project of instability in the Middle East and spreading and strengthening Islamophobia in the West. Measures taken by radical groups in the Middle East are supported by western colonizing powers and their lackeys in the Middle East. They give them money, arms and military training and equipment. Measures taken by these groups cause insecurity in the region and create Islamophobia in the West. They also have ramifications in Europe. It was predicted that the youth in Europe might pursue such a path which would establish insecurity in that continent. These people misunderstand Islam but are mostly commanders of radical organizations which are under the direction of western intelligence organizations and act within the framework of colonial programs and objectives in order to ultimately prepare the ground for greater Western influence in the world of Islam.

What is the root of religious discrimination against 6 million Muslims who live in France? This is while the same discrimination is not felt in other European countries with a lower Muslim population. There is no harsh atmosphere against Muslims in Britain. Muslims are free in this country and veiled Muslim women can enter universities and be employed in government offices. But Muslims in France do not enjoy these rights. The reason is the strong presence of Zionist movements in France. Furthermore, secular movements are more present in France compared with other European countries. France’s cultural and economic colonialism in the Middle East and North Africa is more than other countries. Today France has strong influence in Lebanon.

Nonetheless, any terrorist attack under the name of religion is condemned in Europe. The Islamic Republic of Iran is also against any form of terrorism under the name of religion or race. Islam supports peace and justice and opposes terrorism. Putting bombs in metro stations and the killing of innocent people are against Islamic culture and civilization. These measures cannot be defended even if they are conducted by Muslims. But at the same time, the hostile measures of western countries must not be forgotten. Demonstrations in France in defense of freedom were held with the presence of leaders of European countries but the fact is that they have not taken any measures in support of Palestinians and in condemnation of the killings in Palestine, Pakistan, Iraq and Syria and even the slavery of the Izadi women. This behavior from western countries is also condemned.

tags: islam middle east north africa france islamophobia